Home test - Bottomline
Engaging Video
Websites that work
Sales tools that sell

Stop wasting money on marketing that doesn’t work.

You’ve made the investment into a new site and perhaps even a video but things still aren’t converting as well as you feel they ought to. This is a costly and frustrating process… but it doesn’t need to be.

Imagine a website and lead generating campaign that works while you sleep. Think about how much better your life and business would be if your marketing delivered as expected. You’d be a rock star, and your boss would be impressed. Our marketing strategies will help you focus your message and grow your business.

Here’s the tough truth you probably already know, if you want different results then you need to do something different. Make a definitive decision right now to get different results.

Havenʼt You Wasted Enough Money on Failed Campaigns?


We Care About You.

Hundreds of stories told since 2009
Dozens of happy customers
Countless sales improved

The Process is easy

Here’s How it Works


Evaluate Your Needs

Call us for a free in-depth marketing analysis so that we can best determine where we can be of the greatest benefit to you. This is a FREE service so you’ve got nothing to lose. Give us a call: 414-839-1575


Create a Plan

Empowered with this new insight we’ll develop an action plan focused on your greatest needs and that will deliver the greatest benefit to you


Execute Your Plan

Whether it’s cleaning up your website, producing a new engaging video or other marketing collateral it will all be laser focused on your prospect’s needs and how you fulfill them

3 levels of service for you

to grow your business

  • Analysis


    …From the prospects perspective

    It all starts with a simple discovery call that we can easily accomplish over the phone or in Skype call. This is typically an eye opening experience and it forces you to view your company and, the problems you solve, from the prospect's perspective. Once complete, it will guide our future strategy. This initial call is free so why not call today? From there you can decide whether or not you’d like to move forward, so you’ve got nothing to lose.


    Yes, I want more sales!

  • strategy


    … Let’s figure out how to tell your story the right way.

    We all love stories and so do your prospects. Working together we’ll develop a narrative that tells your story in a very compelling way and that registers with your future customers. How? By keeping the focus of the story on them and how you can solve the problems they face. All too often brands focus on themselves and how great they are but you’ll be much more effective talking about them and not you. As Zig Ziglar once stated, bad sales people have skinny kids, and we want your kids to be well fed indeed!

    Begin your journey to Growth

  • Implementation


    …Let’s put your story into action!

    Now that we’ve worked together to craft your story let’s put it to use to grow your business. From a website makeover to a new video, your newly minted story is going to register with prospects like never before. Why? Because it talks about their challenges and that’s every prospect’s favorite topic.

    What tells your story better than video?

    • Complete end-to-end production
    • Script development
    • Voice over and custom music services
    • V-book™ video-in-print sales tools (swag is for rookies, our sales tools actually work)


    • Reorganize and clean up an existing site or landing page
    • Complete new sites built from the ground up
    • High value PDF’s for automated lead gen programs
    • Automated e-mail campaigns to fill your sales pipeline


To Create a Winning Sales Funnel

Don’t waste time driving traffic to your website if it isn’t designed to engage and convert your visitors. Instead, implement these 5 simple strategies and start getting more business.

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Time and time again the biggest hurdle I’ve seen my clients face is writing the script for their video. This just isn’t something that they do on a regular basis so it’s a struggle. The good news for you is that this IS what we do on a regular basis. Now, as StoryBrand Certified guides our copy writing skills will make your video, website and other collateral just that much more effective at growing your business. Give us a call and let’s get started today!

We are proud to be a part of the following organizations:

Bottom Line Marketing Group BBB Business Review


  • 3290 South Shore Dr., Delavan, WI 53115 – 414-839-1575